Friday, 11 January 2019

Create Rank based on minimum cost if ID is same in Power Bi

Rank_On_minCost_for_Same_ID = RANKX( FILTER( 'Table1', 'Table1'[ID]=EARLIER('Table1'[ID]) ), 'Table1'[Cost], , ASC, Dense )

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Create a new table from an Existing table with filter condtion in

To create a new table with filter condition like SQL using where clause. Here we can use CALCULATETABLE and Summarize function.
Steps :
  1. Go to Power bi desktop version
  2. Go to modelling
  3. New Table
  4. Put below formulas
New_Table_name = CALCULATETABLE ( SUMMARIZE ( 'Old_Table', 'Old_Table'[Col1], 'Old_Table'[Col2], 'Old_Table'[Col3], 'Old_Table'[Col4],Old_Table[Col5], ), 'Old_Table'[ID]=1 )