Monday 10 April 2017

Update Third column if First Column has Duplicate values and Second column are Distinct with Comma delimiter:

create table #temp(ID int, ID2 Varchar(10),Results varchar(50))
insert into #temp values(1,'2',null)
insert into #temp values(1,'3',null)
insert into #temp values(1,'4',null)
insert into #temp values(2,'2',null)
insert into #temp values(2,'3',null)
insert into #temp values(2,'4',null)
insert into #temp values(2,'4',null)
insert into #temp values(3,'1',null)
insert into #temp values(4,'5',null)
insert into #temp values(5,'6',null)
insert into #temp values(5,'6',null)

select * from #temp
Execute below code:
;with cte
 select distinct t.ID,t.ID2,Results,
  STUFF((SELECT distinct ', ' + t1.ID2
         from #temp t1
         where t.[id] = t1.[id]
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
        ,1,2,'') department
from #temp t
Update t set t.Results=c.department from #temp t
inner join cte c
on t.ID=c.ID

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