Tuesday 22 November 2022

User roles in SSRS report server

select  C.UserName, D.RoleName, D.Description, E.Path, E.Name 
from dbo.PolicyUserRole A 
   inner join dbo.Policies B on A.PolicyID = B.PolicyID 
   inner join dbo.Users C on A.UserID = C.UserID 
   inner join dbo.Roles D on A.RoleID = D.RoleID 
   inner join dbo.Catalog E on A.PolicyID = E.PolicyID 
order by C.UserName   

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Send an email through outlook including excel graphs/charts

Sub CopyAllChartsToOutlookEmail()
     Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xStartMsg As String
    Dim xEndMsg As String
    Dim xChartName As String
    Dim xChartName1 As String
    Dim xChartPath As String
    Dim xChartPath1 As String
    Dim xPath As String
    Dim xPath1 As String
    Dim xChart As ChartObject
    Dim xChart1 As ChartObject
    ''----------Copying chart----
    On Error Resume Next
    xChartName = "Chart 2"
    xChartName1 = "Chart 3"
    If xChartName = "" And xChartName1 = "" Then Exit Sub
    Set xChart = Sheets("Dashboard").ChartObjects(xChartName)
    Set xChart1 = Sheets("Dashboard").ChartObjects(xChartName1)
    xChart.Height = 190
    xChart.Width = 200
    xChart1.Height = 180
    xChart1.Width = 190
    Dim msgdate1 As String
    Dim msgdate2 As String
    Dim msgdate3 As String
    Dim msgdate4 As String
    Dim msgdate5 As String

'    MsgBox (xChart1)
    If xChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xStartMsg = "<font size='3' color='black'>" & dt1 & " | " & Format(dt, "yyyy") & "</font>" & "<font size='5'><br><b>" & "Balance Sheet Account Reconciliation Status " & "</b><br><br></font>"
    xEndMsg = "<font size='4' color='black'><b> Reconciliation Due Dates" & "</b><br></font>"
'    msgdate1 = "<font size='3'><b><br>" & "High risk accounts" & "</b></font>" & "<font size='2' color='black'>" & "<ul><li>" & "Reconciliation - " & recDate1 & "</li><li>" & "Review  - " & RevDate1 & "</li></ul></font>"
'    msgdate2 = "<font size='3'><b>" & "Medium risk accounts " & "</b></font>" & "<font size='2' color='black'>" & "<ul><li>" & "Reconciliation - " & recDate1 & "</li><li>" & "Review  - " & RevDate1 & "</li></ul></font>"
'    msgdate3 = "<font size='3'><b>" & "Low risk accounts" & "</b></font>" & "<font size='2' color='black'>" & "<ul><li>" & "Reconciliation - " & recDate1 & "</li><li>" & "Review  - " & RevDate1 & "</li></ul></font>"
    msgdate4 = "<font size='5'><b>" & "Reconciliation Completeness | High Risk Accounts " & "</b><br></font>"

    msgdate5 = "<font size='3'><ul><li><b>High risk accounts</b></li><ul><li>" & "Reconciliation - " & recDate1 & "</li><li>" & "Review - " & RevDate1 & "</li></ul><li><b>Medium risk accounts</b><ul><li>" & "Reconciliation - " & recDate1 & "</li><li>" & "Review - " & recDate1 & "</li></ul></li><li><b>Low risk accounts</b><ul><li>" & "Reconciliation - " & recDate1 & "</li><li>" & "Review - " & recDate1 & "</li></ul></li></ul></font>"
    xChartPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".jpg"
    Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
    xChartPath1 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".jpg"
    xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src=" / "cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """  width=100 height=100 > <br> <br>"
    xPath1 = "<p align='Left'><img src=" / "cid:" & Mid(xChartPath1, InStrRev(xChartPath1, "\") + 1) & """  width=100 height=100 > <br> <br>"
    xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath
    xChart1.Chart.Export xChartPath1
    With xOutMail
        .To = "abc@123.com"
        .Subject = "High risk accounts reconciliation | Status " & dt1
        .Attachments.Add Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\TrinTech_Auto\Detailed Performance PG all units- high risk_not_Completed.xlsx"
        .HTMLBody = xStartMsg & xEndMsg & msgdate5 & msgdate4 & "<img src=" & "'" & xChartPath & "'>" & "<img src=" & "'" & xChartPath1 & "'></html>"
'        .Send
    End With
    Kill xChartPath
    Kill xChartPath1
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing

'     MsgBox ("File is attached and created the email Body with the Dashboard")
End Sub

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Chart range auto refresh in excel vba

Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Dim wS As Worksheet, LastRow As Long Set wS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'Here we look in Column F LastRow = wS.Cells(wS.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row 'LastRow = 5 ' MsgBox (LastRow) Dim cht As Chart Dim ser As Series Dim iSrs As Long, nSrs As Long Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart cht.SetSourceData Source:=Range("F1:" & "S" & LastRow) End Sub