Clustered INDEX :-
A table is nothing but a collection of record sets; by default, rows are stored in the form of heaps unless a clustered index has been defined on the table, in which case, record sets are sorted and stored on the clustered index. The heaps structure is a simple arrangement where the inserted record is stored in the next available space on the table page.
Heaps seem a great option when the motive is simply storing data, but when data retrieval steps in, this option back fires. An index acts as a fire fighter in this scenario. Indexes are arranged in the form of a B-Tree where the leaf node holds the data or a pointer to the data. Since the stored data is in a sorted order, indexes precisely know which record is sitting where. Hence an index optimizes and enhances the data retrieval immensely.
Server 2005:
1 Clustered Index + 249 Nonclustered Indexes = 250 Indexes per table
SQL Server 2008:
1 Clustered Index + 999
Nonclustered Indexes = 1000 Indexes per table
-------Clustered INDEX example------
--Creating new table with few columns
create table INDEX_learnig(ID int ,FirsName varchar(30),LastName varchar(30))
select * from INDEX_learnig
--Inserting same data into the table before creating CI
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Reza','AA')
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Masum','BB')
*We can Insert same values with multiple times
--Creating Normal Clustered on ID column
create clustered index U_CI on INDEX_learnig(ID)
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Reza','AA')
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Masum','BB')
select * from INDEX_learnig
still not a problem to insert same values
-------- Alter or Drop the Clustered values with Unique Constraint
drop index U_CI on INDEX_learnig
truncate table INDEX_learnig
--Creating Unique clustered values
create unique clustered index U_CI on INDEX_learnig(ID)
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Reza','AA')
insert into INDEX_learnig values(2,'Masum','BB')
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Masum','BB') --error(Same records from row 1)
Following error will Occur:
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 25
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.INDEX_learnig' with unique index 'U_CI'. The duplicate key value is (1).
The statement has been terminated.
drop index U_CI on INDEX_learnig
truncate table INDEX_learnig
--Creating Unique Clustered with multiple column
create unique clustered index U_CI on INDEX_learnig(ID,FirsName)
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Reza','BB')
insert into INDEX_learnig values(2,'Masum','BB')
insert into INDEX_learnig values(1,'Reza','BB') --Error(Same as first row)
and the error will occur like :
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 34
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.INDEX_learnig' with unique index 'U_CI'. The duplicate key value is (1, Reza).
The statement has been terminated.
--Clustered Index with Primary KEY and Unique Identity
--Creating Unique Identity Column
drop table INDEX_learnig
create table INDEX_learnig(ID int unique identity(1,1),FirsName varchar(30),LastName varchar(30))
insert into INDEX_learnig values('Masum','BB')
select * from INDEX_learnig
--Try to create Unique Clustered Index
create unique clustered index U_CI on INDEX_learnig(FirsName,LastName)
insert into INDEX_learnig values('Masum','BB') --Error
error will occur like :
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 46
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.INDEX_learnig' with unique index 'U_CI'. The duplicate key value is (Masum, BB).
The statement has been terminated.
When you create a unique constraint, the database engine creates a unique nonclustered index.
However, you can specify that a unique clustered index be created if a clustered index does not already exist.
For all practical purposes, a unique constraint and unique index are one in the same.
Once You Create Primarey Key it will autometically create Clustered Index
drop table INDEX_learnig
create table INDEX_learnig(ID int Primary key,FirsName varchar(30),LastName varchar(30))
Try to create Unique Clustered Index
create unique clustered index U_CI on INDEX_learnig(FirsName,LastName)
The error will throw like :
Msg 1902, Level 16, State 3, Line 51
Cannot create more than one clustered index on table 'INDEX_learnig'. Drop the existing clustered
index 'PK__INDEX_le__3214EC27E5FBFD04' before creating another.
When you create a primary key constraint, the database engine also creates a unique clustered index,
if a clustered index doesn’t already exist. However, you can override the default behavior and specify
that a nonclustered index be created. If a clustered index does exist when you create the primary key,
the database engine creates a unique nonclustered index.